13 March 2020
COVID-19 Policies
At Four Seasons Language School and Cultural Center we are continually monitoring updates from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as well as the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) regarding the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Disease Control
Take general infection prevention measures such:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water whenever returning from outside.
2. Cover your mouth when coughing (best if you can cough into your elbow)
3. If at any time you come down with a fever or feel any flu-like symptoms, please refrain from coming in to work, and see a physician.
For those students and instructors who are just arriving or returning from overseas trips, we will require a minimum of two weeks of self-quarantine in accordance with the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare guidelines. If, during the self-quarantine period you develop a fever or other symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately, and wear a mask to prevent others from becoming infected.
Social distancing
The CDC recommends the following:
1. Maintaining a distance of at least one meter between people
2. Avoiding crowds and crowded conditions
3. Avoiding unnecessary physical contact such as shaking hands and hugging
Remote Instruction (Distance Learning)
Some of our clients have requested a break in lessons in order to minimize the risk of transmission either to or from instructor and student. We are encouraging clients to adopt a remote instruction (distance learning) classroom situation in lieu of canceling, as we know all too well that an interruption in lessons can lead students do become demotivated, an especially important concern in these uncertain times. A little predictability goes a long way.
Health and wellbeing
Protecting the health and well-being of our community is at the forefront of any decisions. These academic and lifestyle changes are recommended for the safety of everyone, and we are acting on the recommendations of leading health officials. We understand these major changes and uncertainty can create difficult decisions and anxiety for you. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
Remember to manage your anxiety and stress by taking some time for yourself whenever possible.
更新しました: 17 March 2020
1. 外出先から帰った際は必ず、石鹸と水で手を洗う。
2. 咳をするときは口を覆う(最適な方法は腕で覆う事)
3. 発熱したり、インフルエンザのような症状を感じた場合は、職場には行かず